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Louban Dhakar
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Highly beneficial product for the health of the human being
It is (the loubane, in Arabic, and the kondor in Persian) it was told, an inaccurate account that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said:
"Encourage your homes with incense and thyme."
But it is also said that 'Ali said to a man who complained of forgetfulness:
"You must take incense, which encourages and makes forgetfulness eliminated".
It is also mentioned that Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them both) said:
"Whoever drinks it with sugar, on an empty stomach, it will be useful against urination and forgetfulness."
It is reported that Anas (may Allah be pleased with him!):
"Received a complaint of the forgetfulness of a man, and said to him," You must take the Kondor (incense) soaked in the night, and in the morning you shall take a sip of it on an empty stomach; 'oversight".
This is very natural and quite obvious:
If oblivion is a consequence of an alienated cold-wet temperament, dominating the brain so much that it does not preserve what it has imprinted on it, incense would be useful; but if forgetting is the result of the domination of a possible thing: It could be eliminated quickly by the refreshing matters.
The difference between the two cases: is that the dry temperament leads to remember past things, without preserving the daily news present, while the wet temperament has the opposite faculty.
Forgetfulness can also produce particular things: such as the application of cupping on the nape of the neck, the habit of taking moist coriander and sour apples; the abundance of cares, and sorrows, the gaze in the stagnant water and urinating there, the gaze of the crosses on the sarcophagi, and the reading of what is written on them, the walk between two camels in trailers, the jet lice in the basins; and eat the saliva of the mice; and all this is well known from experience.
That means, that incense is a warming of the second degree, desiccating of the first, it is not constipating.
It has a lot of benefits and little harm:
It is useful against bleeding, stomach pain and diarrhea; it drives away flatuosity, cleans the pustules of the eye, causes the flesh to sprout in all the pustules, strengthens the weak stomachs, and warms it, dries phlegm and all the pectoral moisture, illuminates the darkness of sight, and prevents bad tumors from spreading
If chewed alone or with thyme (Persia): It attracts phlegm, will be useful against perplexity, and will increase the degree of intelligence.
If one vaporizes it, it will be useful against the disease, the epidemic, and will improve the smell of the air.
The Prophetic Medicine of Ibn Qayyim Al Jawziyah
Imam Muhammad Ibn Abi Bakr Ibn Qayyim al-jawziya
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- Quantity
- 1kg
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